I can't thank you enough
People who know about such matters rank Norway's Oslo Gospel Choir among the best in the world. So when its Christmas concert tour rolled around last year, Geir Johansen booked an appearance in his small town in the remote Lofoten Islands, certain that it would be a sellout. And, indeed, the ticket money rolled in, representing most of the $8,000 that Johansen, a music store owner, had stuffed into a leather briefcase as he prepared to drive home one cold December day. When he arrived, however, the case was gone.
Then he remembered leaving it on the roof of his car and realized it must have blown off along the way. He searched, but couldn't find it and had no choice but to replace the money from his own funds. The concert date came and went, as did the weeks afterward. Then, last Wednesday, Arne Iversen, a friend, was helping other members of a local club with a spring cleanup along the town's roadsides when he "saw something."
Yes, the case – sopping wet but still full of Johansen's money. As news photographers clicked away, Iversen returned it to its rightful owner. "I want you to accept a 10 percent finder's fee," a grateful Johansen said. "Absolutely not," his friend replied. "Well, then, I'll donate it to your club," said Johansen. Iversen will, however, get a CD – although not necessarily of the Oslo Gospel Choir.