WikiLeaks: The five strangest far

The release of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks contains some serious stuff: US diplomats have been trying to steal the credit card numbers of top UN officials, Saudi Arabia is putting pressure on the US to attack Iran, Iran has obtained advanced long-range missiles from North Korea. Other cables are not so earth-shaking, but they nonetheless reveal personalities and events that are comical, surprising, or just plain weird. Here's our top five.

Moose #294 is fitted with a radio collar after being examined by research biologists in Ely, Minnesota in 2008. According to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, Saudi King Abdullah suggested that the US do basically the same thing to detainees freed from Guantanamo.

5. Qaddafi tiene duende

Miguel Angel Morenatti/AP
Flamenco dancer Andrea Fernandez performs at Palacio del Flamenco in Seville, Spain.

In a dispatch titled "A glimpse into Libyan leader Qadhafi's eccentricities," reveals that the Brother Leader dislikes flying over water, only stays on the first floor, tends to receive visitors and conduct meetings inside a traditional Bedouin tent, is accompanied everywhere by a Ukrainian nurse described as a "voluptuous blonde," and, perhaps most surprising of all, is a huge fan of flamenco dancing.

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