Watch live: Bridging the Transatlantic privacy divide
Check back here at 9 am on Feb. 26 for live video of Beyond Safe Harbor: Bridging the Transatlantic privacy divide. Sign up for Passcode's email newsletter for further updates and tweet to join the conversation at #CSMSafeHarbor.
European Union and American negotiators have forged a new pact to replace Safe Harbor that promises to ensure the flow of personal data – the lifeblood of the digital economy – across the Atlantic. But the so-called Privacy Shield deal is hardly a sure thing.
Join Passcode for a one-on-one conversation with EU Ambassador David O'Sullivan (@EUAmbUS) to discuss the promise of Privacy Shield as well as the challenges it may face from European data regulators and privacy advocates. Ambassador O'Sullivan will also discuss the growing EU-US rift when it comes to data privacy regulations, and efforts on both sides of the Atlantic to bridge that divide.
Following the discussion with Ambassador O'Sullivan, a panel featuring industry experts will drill deeper into what Privacy Shield means for the tech industry, the legal community, and how it will impact privacy in both Europe and the US.
This event is free and open to the public.
Amie Stepanovich, @astepanovich, US Policy Manager at Access Now
Bruce Heiman, partner at K&L Gates
Josh Kallmer, SVP of Global Policy at Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) (@ITI_TechTweets)
Moderated by Mike Farrell, @mikebfarrell, Editor, Passcode
Event Details:
Friday, Feb. 26, 2016
9am - 11am
K & L Gates
1601 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
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