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Monitor articles for June 22, 2020
- Will focus on racial justice give Black candidates a boost?
- Voicing ‘solidarity’ against US racism, Arabs expose scourge at home
- A Christian Science PerspectiveProgress that’s always in motion
- The Monitor's ViewThe lockdown’s lesson in reading books aloud
- As Russia reopens, Putin takes a back seat to local leaders
- First LookIn Italy, a case for music to return to concert halls
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Monday, June 22, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- In Queens, residents become the coronavirus safety net
- First LookHow teens used TikTok to troll Donald Trump's Tulsa rally
- First LookBeyond black squares: Calls for real change in fashion industry
- First LookBlack Roman Catholics ask church to work harder for equality
- The 10 best books of June bring hope and insight
- Monday Sunrise Briefing: Tulsa rally falls short of expectations