The Elite Group of Four-Star Admirals
Solutions to control dioxin
The article ``Exhaustive US Report on Dioxin Satisfies Few in Scientific Debate,'' Sept. 21, missed an important part of the story. There are good technologies to control dioxin. I represent one of the few industries that are regulated: waste-to-energy plants, which use trash as fuel to generate electricity and steam. The power plants we've built over the past decade prove that these dioxin controls work. But unless the Environmental Protection Agency investigates other sources of dioxin, these technologies will just sit on the shelf. The EPA report - by its own numbers - accounts for less than half the dioxin sources. Major dioxin sources, well-known in Europe, are not counted as ``known'' sources in the report. As several environmental groups have said, ``EPA's first priority should be to investigate dioxin sources that are unregulated. Our own industry's record proves that the solutions exist. Maria Zannes Washington President, Integrated Waste Services Association,
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