
January 12, 1999

Impeachment without 'cute' anecdotes Monitor Home Forum columnist John Gould speaks of "lapses of logic" and cannot seem to see the lapse in logic in using the Articles of Impeachment in an attempt to resolve matters that should be taken up in regular court, if at all ("Of Congress, quahogs, and lapses in logic," Jan. 8). The surveys that he says indicate approval of "duplicity and deceit" are actually telling us that the American desire to see punishment fit the crime is alive and kicking. The comments about "table pounding lawyers" in the House should not have been limited to "opponents of impeachment." Both sides were equally guilty. The matter now before the Senate comes to them because of an obvious deviation from the intent of constitutional law. It will take an obvious deviation to fix it. It is not "logical" to be critical of the necessary choice without consideration of prior circumstances that led to it. The narrow point of view revealed in this article cannot be disguised by serving it up with a lot of "cute" anecdotes. E. Rudnick Burnsville, Minn. Kahoolawe: Restrictions should apply Regarding "Turning a bombing range into a spiritual homeland" (Dec. 31): I write as a haole (Caucasian) who has done research regarding Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii. Technically, the story was accurate, but the deeper "essence" was missing. The abuse done to Kahoolawe over time is symbolic of the abuse done historically to native Hawaiians both culturally and spiritually. And the current struggle has been long, difficult, and even tragic. Ohana means family, and I feel it a precious privilege to be an accepted member. In the spirit of ohana, we all must work together to protect this special island with its name places that link a people's past with its future. And we must recognize together the present rights to which these people are entitled: identity and heritage and the privacy in which to claim them. Out of respect for a land and people, access to the island must remain controlled for perpetuity. The process of restoration is spiritual and ecological. It is not physical or economic development. Native Hawaiians see Kahoolawe as wahipana, a legendary, special place, and as pu'uhonua, a place of refuge or sanctuary. The efforts to restore Kahoolawe and the need to then protect it out of recognition for its true purpose represent actions that are significant indeed. They serve as a positive model to the world as we move along the path toward peace. Norma Roska Johnson Greendale, Wis. ERElong, Environmental Research & Education Offensive cartoon I found your political cartoon (Jan. 8) that implied that the president's defense counsel believes that the president is being persecuted offensive. This president has been charged with multiple offenses and will now be tried. The Senate must decide if these offenses warrant impeachment. If a president of a corporation, the president of a college, or a high school principal committed President Clinton's crimes, he would lose his job. Are our standards for the president of the United States that low? The president has shown no remorse, only arrogance, as seen in his post-impeachment pep rally. Bill Starr Kirtland, Ohio Space station brought to you by ... Regarding "Outer space may open for business" (Dec. 15): I'm appalled that NASA would consider putting advertising on the International Space Station. What's next? A banner over the Lincoln Memorial? Neon lights on the Washington Monument? Robert Turner Dublin, Calif. The Monitor welcomes your letters and opinion articles. Because of the volume of mail, only a selection can be published, and we can neither acknowledge nor return unpublished submissions. All submissions are subject to editing. Letters must be signed and include your mailing address and telephone number. Mail letters to 'Readers Write,' and opinion articles to Opinion Page, One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115, or fax to 617-450-2317, or e-mail to oped@csps.coma