All Readers Respond
- Readers Write: The perils of allowing women in combat
Letters to the Editor for the September 10, 2012 weekly print issue: The policy decision to allow women to serve in infantry combat should only be made after diligent consideration of the long-term effects – on women, the military, and the country.
- Readers Write: Congress must take unpopular stands, not compromise; Mike McQuery is no victim in Sandusky scandal
Letters to the Editor for the September 3, 2012 weekly print issue: Since when are leaders expected to only do what is easy in the short term? It's a tremendous reach to try and justify what amounts to Mike McQueary's cowardly act by calling him a victim of male culture.
- Readers Write: Lamar Smith is wrong. Obama's immigration policy isn't amnesty.
Letters to the Editor for the August 13, 2012 weekly print issue: Rep. Lamar Smith (R) of Texas mischaracterizes President Obama's recent decision to put a low priority on the deportation of some young illegal immigrants who were brought to the US as children. His op-ed is misleading.
- Readers Write: Family dinners are good investment; Both GOP and Dems lean right
Letters to the Editor for the August 6, 2012 weekly print issue: Family dinners at home cost less, are more nutritious, teach children verbal skills, and build connections. American political parties aren't governing from the extremes; they're both governing from the right.
- Readers Write: How to eliminate tax breaks (and the deficit); Wake up, 99 percent
Letters to the Editor for the July 30, 2012 weekly print issue: Look at effective tax rates, cap deductions, put an expiration date on tax breaks; With the US meritocracy now based on nepotism and cronyism, the '99 percent' had better wake up and demand better.
- Readers Write: America's class divide is really an information gap
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of July 9, 2012: Information capital – the power to think and use information creatively – evolves over time as the product of a person's experiences with words and concepts. Poor children have less chance of developing it than their richer peers.
- Readers Write: The dangers of big banks and second-hand marijuana smoke
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of July 2, 2012: When power is concentrated – as in big banks like Jamie Dimon's JPMorgan Chase – expect some tyranny. Marijuana is an insidious drug, more harmful than many have been led to believe.
- Letter to the Editor: UN mission in Haiti is not 'all about scandal'
Mariano Fernández Amunátegui, special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Haiti, defends the work of the UN mission (MINUSTAH) there.
- Readers Write: Saudi Arabia isn't model for reform; Flawed logic on texting and driving
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of June 25, 2012: Saudi Arabia's oppression of women, foreign workers, and the Shiite minority is shocking; Don't jump to faulty conclusions to explain an uptick in traffic accidents after a ban on texting while driving.
- Readers Write: Conservatives can't compromise; Retirement is for cheap learning
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of June 18, 2012: How can a conservative compromise with a position that is totally against his or her own political, economic, and social philosophy? An important option for one's retirement years is learning stuff, at a low cost.
- Readers Write: Death penalty can reduce suffering; Gun laws protect
Letters to the Editor for the June 4, 2012 weekly print magazine: We can't apply a simplistic 'cost-benefit' analysis to the death penalty. Stand Your Ground laws give Americans the freedom to defend ourselves with force, but don't guarantee we will use it.
- Readers Write: Does gun ownership kill or preserve life?
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of May 28, 2012: Armed defense is effective when talking isn't. Don't stereotype gun owners. Time to end the devastation from America's 'gun culture.'
- Readers Write: Natural gas won't save America
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of May 21, 2012: Natural gas is a stopgap at best. What are the long-term risks of fracking? The real issue is the huge quantity of water used and chemically contaminated in the fracking process.
- Readers Write: Congress ignores calls for tax reform; Political families teach service
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of May 14, 2012: The responsibility for long-term fixes to the tax code rests with the US Congress, but the code has increased by 13,564 over the past eight years. Political families aren't un-American dynasties; they're examples of service.
- Readers Write: Israel could be a threat and Obama should be praised on Iran
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of May 7, 2012: John Bolton is wrong. Obama is protecting the US and world economy from a disastrous attack on Iran. It's Israel that has the nukes. And the best way to foment regime change in Iran is to support the opposition there.
- Readers Write: War fueled by defense lobby; Attack on Iran is legal; Catholics can't change faith for individual wishes
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of April 30, 2012: The 'appetite for war' is fueled by the arms lobby's appetite for profit; there's a key legal difference between a 'preemptive' and a 'preventive' attack on Iran; and Catholics don't force others to follow their beliefs, they simply demand First Amendment protections.
- Readers Write: Religion should 'render unto Ceasar'; Obamacare debate misses mark
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of April 23, 2012: Several readers argue that protecting religious freedom can't threaten individual rights. Another says the debate over Obamacare ignores the real issue with US health-care – skyrocketing costs.
- Readers Write: Is America's gun culture useful or dangerous?
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print edition of April 16, 2012: One reader argues that a recent cover story ('Inside America's gun culture') didn't give adequate coverage to the use of guns for hunting, competition, and sport. Another worries that 'any angry malcontent with a short fuse and a chip on his shoulder, could pull a loaded gun.'
- Readers Write: Freedom of – or freedom from – religion?
Letters to the Editor for the weekly print issue of April 9, 2012:
- Readers Write: Charm is no better than incivility; Gun rights vs. gun wrongs
Letters to the editor for the weekly print edition of April 2, 2012: One reader argues that the call for more 'charm' as a remedy for incivility is misguided, as charm can be mistaken for superficiality. Another reader faults partisan media programming for preventing Americans from disagreeing agreeably. A third reader 'has no quarrel with gun rights,' just with 'gun wrongs.'