This article appeared in the August 30, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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We rarely mention ages. The rest of journalism is beginning to understand why.

For as long as I’ve been at the Monitor, we’ve preferred not to mention people’s ages unless it’s essential. Age tends to define people, often poorly. Today’s story by Laurent Belsie beautifully explores this topic.  

Recently, I’ve seen commendable efforts by journalists to broaden this principle. Convict, addict, illegal immigrant – these terms and others, like age, tend to remove humanity, agency, and nuance. To me, looking for better ways to talk about our fellow human beings is not about a political agenda, but about good journalism.

Perhaps more than ever, societies are learning that labeling people is unhelpful, not only to the person but also to our own understanding. Laurent’s story clearly shows why.     

This article appeared in the August 30, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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