Royal Wedding Date: Top 4 possible dates

With Prince William and Kate Middleton engaged to be married, they must now settle on a wedding date – while dodging obstacles posed by friends' weddings, a major political referendum, and, of course, Britain's cold and rainy months. Here are the four likely wedding dates being bandied about:


The ruling coalition partner Liberal Democrats wants a say in the wedding date, too. A late-April wedding is problematic for ruling coalition partner Nick Clegg because of a May 1 referendum on Britain’s voting system.

According to The Daily Mail, "Liberal Democrats fear the ceremony could smother the coverage of the referendum three days later on May 1, and would prefer a wedding in mid-May."

The Liberal Democrats have long demanded a shift from Britain's "first past the post" electoral system to a proportional representation system, as the Monitor reported during the May election. Holding a referendum on electoral reform was a key part of the Lib Dem's decision to partner with the Conservative party of Prime Minister David Cameron.

But May is also problematic, with at least two weekends already ruled out because of two weddings of close friends of Kate and William.

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