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Monitor articles for September 05, 2008
- Mexico City launches community gardens
- Mackie Green: Canada's premier whale rescuer
- Abu Dhabi group makes $354 million bid for English soccer team
- Who's joining Thai protests?
- Flooding in India: Why wasn't the government ready?
- France gives boost to Israeli-Syrian talks
- How getting into a good argument makes us all shine
- Garden siteseeing in Japan, Portugal, and Spain
- "They didn’t beat me yet!"
- Sarah Palin and libraries
- Home Girl
- The next phase of libraries rolls into town
- The Third Reich in Power
- Eight rumors you can leak to revive a political campaign
- The day the Internet shut down
- Goodbye Raffi, hello hipster!
- Six Picks: Recommendations from the Monitor staff
- Faking it, artfully
- McCain's speech - thumbs up, thumbs down
- How not to rescue the Big Three
- The goal – satisfying work, or your calling?
- Bright Green's top 11 environmental songs
- EarthTalk: Why plastic caps belong in the trash, not the recycle bin
- ‘Spore’ ready to bloom
- Horizon highlights – Tough questions for Obama, tough gadgets for soldiers, and tough love for Chrome
- How to download free books, music, and movies from local libraries
- Cheney visit: U.S. treads tightrope on Georgia aid
- Spider lilies herald a welcome seasonal shift
- Newspapers make good garden mulch
- Following the footsteps of Flannery O'Connor
- Over the hedge: What kind of pool is that?
- As Gustav evacuees return to New Orleans, a varied homecoming
- Pentagon recommends holding US troops levels in Iraq steady until February
- World
- Reporters on the Job
- Etc.
- McCain appeals to moderates with vow to reform GOP
- In dispirited Detroit, mayor pleads guilty
- Letters to the Editor
- Sarah Palin can have it all
- Broadway's 'Rent' exits stage left (thank goodness)
- Rice's visit to a changed Libya