The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast

The editors of The Christian Science Monitor take you beyond the headlines with the ideas driving progress in this 15-minute news briefing. The Monitor Daily Podcast is available each Monday through Friday at 6 pm ET. For more information on the Daily or The Christian Science Monitor, visit Send your comments, suggestions or thoughts to

September 28, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

They do a lot of thinking over at Harvard. Now they’re being nudged to speed some rethinking. Also: our five stories, including the role of climate change in extreme weather, the implications of Macedonia’s name, and the origin of fantastical tales. Join the Monitor's Clay Collins and Noelle Swan for today's news. For more information, visit

September 27, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Today, all eyes in the United States are on Capitol Hill and the increasingly contentious Senate confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Also: our five stories for today, selected to highlight an effort to heal divides through infrastructure and the opening of a pop cultural window into the evolution of politics and the press in recent decades. Join the Monitor's Noelle Swan and Eoin O’Carroll for today's news. For more information, visit

September 26, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

A new report on marriage suggests a different kind of change is now taking shape – a decline in divorce. Also: insight into Iran’s resilience to sanctions, a different view of national service, and the joy of singing together. Join the Monitor's Mark Sappenfield and Eva Botkin-Kowacki for today's news. For more information, visit

September 25, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

When Italy went to the polls almost eight months ago, the issue that shaped most voters’ decisions was immigration: specifically, the belief that Italy had too much of it. Also: our five stories, including how to live with the ebbs and flows of the Mississippi, research accidents in science, and how the Monitor stumbled into Honduras’s largest prison. Join the Monitor's Arthur Bright and Kendra Nordin Beato for today's news. For more information, visit

September 24, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

It’s a big week for the White House. Monday started with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's visit to discuss reports he suggested invoking the 25th Amendment. Tuesday, President Trump will address the UN General Assembly. Thursday, Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford will testify before the Senate. Also: our five stories, including the challenges of Brexit, a new perspective on climate change, and a look at the evolving film industry. Join the Monitor's Amelia Newcomb and Dave Scott for today's news. For more information, visit

September 21, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Fred Rogers (that’s Mr. Rogers to most of us) famously used to say “look for the helpers” when news got scary. Stories of altruism floated like life rings across this week’s news. Also: our five stories, including one on a nudge from Florence about rethinking an agricultural practice, and one on a nudge from high-schoolers about what true integration could look like. Join the Monitor's Clay Collins and Noelle Swan for today's news. For more information, visit

September 20, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

What should it cost to go to college? For students interested in attending Rice University in Houston, it may not cost much at all. Also: our five stories for the day, including the rise of women in politics, the complicated aspects of marijuana legalization, and how liberal arts colleges are creating better thinkers. Join the Monitor's Kim Campbell and Ken Kaplan for today's news. For more information, visit

September 19, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

How one Scottish university is responding to past bequests rooted in slavery wealth. Also: a deeper look at current trade battles, an exploration of a moderate challenge to political Islam, and how two towns are responding as legal cannabis comes to Canada. Join the Monitor's Amelia Newcomb and Clay Collins for today's news. For more information, visit

September 18, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Elon Musk announced Monday SpaceX has its first paying customer for a private, week-long flight around the moon. Yusaku Maezawa, a young Japanese clothing tycoon, put down a “significant” deposit for a flight scheduled for five years from now. Also: our five selected stories, including the pursuit of justice by American sex-abuse victims and by Latin American activists, as well as what horses can teach humans about empathy. Join the Monitor's Dave Scott and Kendra Nordin Beato for today's news. For more information, visit

September 17, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

For a week in 2017, Max Karlsson was the voice of Sweden. If you have never heard of Mr. Karlsson, don’t fret. He just happened to be one of about 360 everyday Swedes chosen by the Swedish Institute to run the @sweden Twitter account for a week. Also, glimpses of the power of practicality in the Carolinas, a new humility in economics, and many Israelis’ changing views of Arabic. Join the Monitor's Mark Sappenfield and Eva Botkin-Kowacki for today's news. For more information, visit
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