The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast

The editors of The Christian Science Monitor take you beyond the headlines with the ideas driving progress in this 15-minute news briefing. The Monitor Daily Podcast is available each Monday through Friday at 6 pm ET. For more information on the Daily or The Christian Science Monitor, visit Send your comments, suggestions or thoughts to

August 30, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

She stepped off a boat and into history. Angela, as she is known, was among the first Africans to live in Jamestown, the famed English settlement. Next August will mark 400 years since their arrival in 1619. Also: our five stories, including finding peace in South Sudan, recasting the way we view gun violence, and reimagining vacation cottages in Canada. Join the Monitor's Kim Campbell and Peter Ford for today's news. For more information, visit

August 29, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Who adjusts to whom? As schools open their doors after summer break, educators are wrestling with how to reach the new Generation Z: a hyperconnected crowd that has never experienced a world without ubiquitous devices. Also: our five stories, about withstanding sanctions, improving school safety, and breaking barriers. Join the Monitor's Amelia Newcomb and Eoin O’Carroll for today's news. For more information, visit

August 28, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

You’re probably going to hear a lot about Mollie Tibbetts in the run-up to the midterm elections. She was the missing Iowa college student who was found last week, murdered. Police have charged an unauthorized immigrant from Mexico. Her death has reignited the debate over crime and immigration. But should it? Also: our five stories that highlight paths to progress for workers in America, refugees from Nicaragua, and job hunters in Ohio. Join the Monitor's Dave Scott and Eva Botkin-Kowacki for today's news. For more information, visit

August 27, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

In many respects, the Irish Catholic Church is dealing with the same cultural headwinds facing all organized religion in the West. Yet there is an added element. The Catholic Church in Ireland long held a position of even greater influence than the government itself. Also: an unusual look at the power of the people in Russia, the enduring togetherness at some Texas schools after hurricane Harvey, and the legacy of an American senator who stood for something greater then himself. Join the Monitor's Mark Sappenfield and Kendra Nordin Beato for today's news. For more information, visit

August 24, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

For years, the roar of warplanes in Syria has heralded imminent and indiscriminate devastation for millions of civilians caught in the middle of a catastrophic civil war. Today, however, something else is also accompanying that sound – a pulse of humanity that is saving lives. Also: a look at the interplay between global power and human rights in China, overcoming a legacy of prejudice in Russia, and whether humans will embrace an evolving view of predators. Join the Monitor's Mark Sappenfield and Noelle Swan for today's news. For more information, visit

August 23, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

“Immigrants are not like puppies.” That may seem like an odd statement, but to Marion Davis, it’s a sentiment worth repeating. Also: our five stories that highlight taking responsibility, innovation in farming, and the various faces of progress. Join the Monitor's Noelle Swan and Eoin O’Carroll for today's news. For more information, visit

August 22, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Is the #MeToo movement in trouble? Probably not. Although it may have lost some moral high ground, given the revelations about Asia Argento. She was one of the first of 87 women to accuse Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. She now faces similar allegations with a then 17-year-old boy, according to The New York Times. Also: a look at the remarkable bull run of the US stock market, communities that have dramatically changed their practices to deal with wildfires, and new views of history in Canada. Join the Monitor's Amelia Newcomb and Ken Kaplan for today's news. For more information, visit

August 21, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Water – and the potential for life – is far more abundant than many expected. Why is that surprising? Well, what we see in our own neighborhood, or in our own narrow experience, tends to shape our perceptions of reality. Also: possible paths to stability between Israel and Gaza, new insights into stopping truancy, and funding compassion in the US. Join the Monitor's Dave Scott and Kendra Nordin Beato for today's news. For more information, visit

August 20, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

After the worst regional flooding in a century, the main task in India’s Kerala state, which saw some 250 percent more monsoon rain than normal last week, is rescuing the tens of thousands who are stranded. Also: Turkey’s standoff with the US, subtle economic shifts, and look at the Cape Cod fishing industry. Join the Monitor's Clay Collins and Eva Botkin-Kowacki for today's news. For more information, visit

August 17, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily

The spikes in the US political news cycle formed a jagged saw this week, a sure formula for exhaustion, division, and dismay. Where to look for some unity and affirming values? To stories that show our humanity. Also, we have shifts in thought on guns​ in Canada, on an old-conquerer in Siberia, and on our collective place in the universe. Join the Monitor's Clay Collins and Noelle Swan for today's news. For more information, visit
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