Michael Steele: top 10 gaffes as RNC chair

RNC Chairman Michael Steele has had his share of missteps during his two-year tenure, turning the usually low-key position into one of public prominence.

9. Telling skeptics of his leadership skills to 'stuff it'

In the same Washington Times interview (published Feb. 19, 2009), less than three weeks after his election to the RNC chairmanship, Steele was defensive about his ability to organize and run the RNC effectively. “I can run this organization just fine,” he said. “There will be no deputy chairman, period.”

“People who said I can't make the trains run on time never gave a reason. I say to them, 'Stuff it.' “

“I am not afraid of being held accountable for my leadership,” he said. “The idea I am somehow going to handicap myself before I begin is nuts. I am not going to buy into this mind-set among a few people who probably have never run anything but their mouths.”

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