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Monitor articles for September 21, 1984
- Supermarket approach to financial services: one-stop shopping may be good way to start
- Japan inches toward sharing its defense technology with US
- Soviets announce tentative agreement on reactor inspection.
- In West Germany, teachers have prestige but few job openings
- Rehabbing older houses: extra value in money, charm, and history.
- Paul Hogan: luring Americans to Australia on TV ad. Also,
- To rent or to buy? How to figure if you can handle house payments
- A gathering of blossoms
- The relevance of spirituality
- Look-before-you-leap questions
- No more paper-pushing, when computers link up factories
- Should instruction in reading span all high-school disciplines?; Becoming Readers in a Complex Society, Volume I: 83rd Yearbook of the National Soci...
- Looking past fancy photos for the hard figures in your annual reports
- Previous attacks by 'Islamic Jihad' terrorists
- News In Brief
- News In Brief
- With fall in the air, retail sales are hinting of a healthy pickup.
- Oil, gas tax shelters regain some lost status.
- News In Brief
- Suburban make-over adds elegance to 'tired looking' living space
- The world according to Silas Ermineskin
- A glossary for that glossy report
- Britain tries an honored civil servant for Falklands disclosures
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- News In Brief
- When the faces of children make you stop and think
- Plastic robots from Japan changing the shape of the toy market
- Blueberry pie on our shirtfronts
- Star wars
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- Family violence
- Truman on defense
- Judicious exercise of stock options is behind many a young fortune
- The shrinking union label in America.
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- News In Brief
- Terrorists strike again in Beirut.
- News In Brief
- A diverse new kind of tax shelter offers less risk and easier access
- Next month: Your investments
- New Zealand leader: 'I'm not anti-American,' just antinuclear
- Crowning Queen Blueberry
- Three movies making journeys in time, consciousness
- S. Africa bans book by Monitor writer
- Pick out a clean shirt and you get an ad
- Where to get more tax-shelter data
- Protecting Colombia's peace
- Reagan fighting vote erosion in farm belt
- In world tennis, a computer has last word
- Clemson and Brigham Young have potential for flawless seasons
- Democratic activists dig in.
- News In Brief
- Hong Kong accord nears completion.
- Retraining for laid-off steelworkers in Chicago gains gradual acceptance
- Autumn
- News in the USSR
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- In charting a financial plan, be sure to factor in company benefits
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- News In Brief
- Writing a new and contentious script for nuclear deterrence
- Personal spending drop cools US economic growth